The 1000 Mermaids Artificial Reef Project & Gallery of 1000 Mermaids is a monumental public EcoArt project in the form of an artificial reef installation that will also serve as an underwater eco-friendly destination for tourism & research. This project is one of Ocean Rescue Alliance’s eco-art initiatives. The 1000 mermaids mission is to enhance marine habitats and expand fish habitat while providing enhanced creative, economic and educational opportunities for the benefit, education and enjoyment of the public. Mermaids have long been a symbol of humans’ connection to the ocean, this artificial reef models real people in the form of mermaids creating them into artificial reefs. These ocean friendly and artistically crafted reef modules allow their likeness to live forever on the sea floor off of the coast of Florida.

Every year tourists come to beaches in South Florida & beyond to enjoy the natural resources, though large volumes of visitor traffic can have negative impacts on the health of the natural reef.
Artificial reefs can help offset the traffic giving the natural reefs time to recover, as well as provide habitats for fish, lobsters, and other marine life.
ORA’s 1000 Mermaids Project aims to bring awareness to the growing problems affecting our natural reefs. The first step for helping our environment is by educating ourselves on issues we may not be aware of on the surface but are happening underneath the water, and we are committed to doing this through our education & citizen science programs.
Mermaids have long been a symbol of humans’ connection to the Ocean. We cast real people and sculpt them into artificial reef sculptures that are strategically placed along the ocean floor with the help of local government and environmental agencies. The planned locations for the artificial reef modules are to expand all over the world starting in Florida waters, current locations are Riviera Beach and Hollywood Beach. We partner with local dive operators and plan to connect the public to excursions where guests will be educated on reef preservation and also be presented the opportunity to help the cause.
Find out about our organization, mission, our methods, and the results of our advocacy.
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